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中京大学国際教養学部3年生演習3・4 (2020/2021)
火曜日3限 (13.10-14.40), in: 

異文化コミュニケーション(言語文化, only 30 characters, therefore only in Japanese)

授業概要/ Course Outline / Purpose

現代世界の大きな特色は、グローバリズムの進展と拡大です。環境問題、移民問題、経済協力等、様々な分野でグローバルなアプローチ が必要です。そ
One of central features of our time is the increasing globalization. Environmental issues (e.g. global warming), migration or economic globalization can only be understood within a global framework. For the understanding of such a global framework the research of intercultural communication is essential.


> The students are able to express experiences about Intercultural Communication in language. 学生は異文化コミュニケーションについて経験が表せます。  (only summer term)
> The students read different texts about Intercultural Communication. 異文化コミュニケーションについて様々な文章を読みます。
> The students write short texts (essays) about Intercultural Communication. 学生は異文化コミュニケーションにつて文章を書きます。
> The students get an understanding of different genres (text-types) in Intercultural Communication..  学生は異文化コミュニケーションにつて様々なテキスト・タイプの理解ができます。
> The students experience the role of language in Intercultural Communication. 学生は異文化コミュニケーションの言語の大切な立場について理解ができます。 

授 業方法
> 異文化コミュニケーションとプレゼンテーションの経験についてはプレゼンテーションします。その後文章を読んで、ビデオを見て又はフィールドワークをしま す。After presentations about their experiences, the knowledge of the students will be expanded by using reading materials, Videos or field work studies.   (Summer term)
> The students will start to think about their final thesis. The already written texts and also other experiences will be the basis for their final thesis.
成 績評価方法・基準
授業の参加態度(60%) レポート(40%) (Summer term)
授業の参加態度(40%) レポート(60%)


After reflecting the study abroad experience, the students will get material for a deeper refection of their experience.   (Summer term)
Reading and writing (now longer texts) is important for the development of writing competence. The writing can be done in English or Japanese. 

Comments to students 
The students should follow the news and learn about Intercultural Communication in various countries. 


Reading and Writing are central for this Seminar. The Students should use MaNaBo frequently to upload their essays and download material provided by the teacher.  

オフィス アワー > 火曜日9 時半から10時半まで (八事学舎の研究室517で)
連絡先 > imigalexander  @  hotmail.com

後期2020の授業 (winter term 2020) > last years lesson (2019)
planned lesson content (English) 授業の内容 (日 本語) taught lessen content 宿題/ homework etc. /その他
1 23/9/2020 "tech-doco", "surviellence capitalism" (2xG) Facebook-EU (Politico)  授業のやり方について next lesson: face to face (f2f), culture research (1),
(brief): century of the self (yt, 自己の世紀 WpJ)
watch documentary and/or read article (2 x Guardian)
2 29/9/2020 "an analysis of Imggined communities (Macat)  << 本の項目: Ways in the text, Why does this text matter?  reading: 3 paragraphis  (f2f) check concepts & people: Primordalism, Modernism, Karl Marx 
3 6/10/2020 concept of 文化 (online), cultura animi (Google) 宿題: Blogpost (English) Why does this text matter? > reading until end & Discussion   reading of blogpost (as text), no Hw (forgot)
4 13/10/2020 background of "burning nationalism"(Google) 国粋主義、ナショナリズム、国家主義 Discussion about blogpost (as offline-text & hypertext) feedback about blogpost (after lesson)
5 20/10/2020 two presentation about text 本についてプレゼンテーション <<<<< as planned, and look in the coming modules (f2f) feedback about presentations
6 27/10/2020 two presentations about text 世界の一体化 (Wp)  <<<<< as planned (f2f) feedback about presentations
7 10/11/2020 procedures & culture research (2), language shaming (LoM-Blog), no widespread support (Wp), ASEAN human rights (H-Böll)  日本会議 (Wp) Semi3y-7week: Researching about culture (2) next research plans of students (upload of writing topics)
8 17/11/2020 presentations about text ("Modul 5") 本についてプレゼンテーション Modul 5 presentations & citations (page 7-4) feedback about presentation
9 24/11/2020 from presentation to Text, Was there critical thinking?, How about the book?  プレゼンテーションから卒業論文まで online: Researchintroduction1-3y-9week.ppt writing topics (once again or already working title)
10 1/12/2020 Topic Process: E-Semi (2014), Nike-add (G)  キーワードに入れる (Mindmap) f2f: text about Brazialians in Japan (only text delievery), some modell text (final thesis in English or Japanese, on paper)   調査(text or online)
11 8/12/2020 f2f (teacher) or online (only 2 Pers.)  学生のMM (編集できない)
在日ブラジル人 (Google)
text analysis (of delievered text) in terms of sources: how to find them, which are valid, problem of plagiarism, which to cite  upload of any text (report or  レポート, both languages)
12 15/12/2020 online: text-analysis of final thesis  卒業論文の分析 ppt: Researching and Textwriting (3y12weekWS) 何でもレポートのアップロード(も一回, 先週しなけば)
13 22/12/2020 text-analysis, preparation of final topics 文章の編修 (1)  ppt: Researching and Textwriting (3y13weekWsNEU,  Slide 3 changed > texts & what topics) 文化テーマ(正月)
14 12/1/2021 comments about texts (1)  文章の編修 (2)  as planed (see ppt) and feedback texts 
15 19/1/2021 comments about texts (2), Zootopia as modell 文章の編修: outline (Google trans.) as planed (see Semi3y-15weekWs) homework for spring holidays

前期2020の授業 (summer term 2020) > lessons last year (2019/2020) 
planned lesson content (English) 授業の内容 (日 本語) taught lessen content 宿題/ homework etc. /その他
1 12.5.2020 Newspages (various languages), Blog (what can we do?) as Power Point  MaNaBoダウウンロード & Power Point プレゼンテーション 1. Zoom (including Power Poinst: What can we do?) upload of Questionnaire (shitsumon2)
2 19/5/2020 language issues, Blog (Zenbird 18/5/), schedule talk to individual students blogpst (Linguapolicy, VUCA-world) 言語と今回の研究について 2, Zoom Meeting upload of Questionaire (shitsumon3)
3 26/5/2020 individual talks, also (wednesday) 個人的な相談 1to1meetings (wednesday Transcription download) upload海外課題研究presentations
4 2/6/2020 ppts about (own) research (1) 海外課題研究について (1, スペイン), 文章について own presentation (what's a text?), 2 spanish rygaku ppts (in Japanese, some spanish), 4. Zomm-Meeting (all)  upload Feedback & presentations (German)
5 9/5/2020 ppts about (own) research (2), creating a mindmap or text: International English (LoM) > P.Desailly (book), Fb of Pres. (MM)   マインドマップ, 海外課題題研究について (2, ドイツ)  German ryugakusei`s presentation and Feedback,
5. Zomm-Meeting (all), using Mindmeister for Presentation  (as planned) 
Feedback of presentations
6 16/5/2020 Mindmap (Mask article), Genre (Wp) & Texttypes  (E vs. J), presentation Masks  E vs. J: ジャンル (Wp), テキスト (Wp)   how to do research?(1) as ppt, 6. Zoom meeting (once more): Feedback of presentation (including teacher) 
7 26/6/2020 Blog-article (Intro: Mask article) 色々なジャンル: Blog-post  how to do research?(2) as ppt, 7. Zoom meeting (pair work)  ideas about research? 
8 30/6/2020 old/new normal (Guardian), culture 文化の定義、日常語研究 cultural research topics, 8. Zoom meeting (pair work)  cultural topics: work-life balance (upload)
9 7/7/2020 ciritical thinking in paiwork (partly also hw)    批判的思考 WpJ  (the same?) 9. Zoom meeting (pair work, no partner for teacher)  ready for employment? (Macat as Hw)
10 14/7/2020 summer-holiday reading (short), basic research 基本的な調査 (ppt), pairwork 10. Zoom Session comments on homework
11 21/7/2020 summer-holiday reading & polls, pairwork (upload)  夏休みの読解 11. Zoom Session summer homework
