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中京大学国際教養学部2年生演習3・4 (2020/2021)
火曜日4限 (14.55-16.25), online  

異文化コミュニケーション/Intercultural Communication (IC)


現代世界の大きな特色は、グローバリズムの進展と拡大です。環境問題、移民問題、経済協力等、様々な分野でグローバルなアプローチ が必要です。そ
One of central features of our time is the increasing globalization. Environmental issues (e.g. global warming), migration or economic globalization can only be understood within a global framework. For the understanding of such a global framework the research of intercultural communication is essential.
> The students are able to express considerations about Intercultural Communication in language. 学生は異文化コミュニケーションについて反省が表せます。 
授 業方法
異文化コミュニケーションとプレゼンテーションの仕方については詳しく説明します。そして学生は、調査の結果をプレゼンテーションします。その後はイン ターネットでテーマごとに調査 します
After some introductory considerations about IC and presentations, the students will be able to reflect about their experiences in IC in (short) presentations.    
成 績評価方法・基準
授業の参加態度(60%) レポート(40%)

The students not going abroad will get the opportunity to collect some data in Japan and research about IC in the Japanese context. 
The students should follow the news and learn about Intercultural Communication in various countries. 

オフィス アワー > 火曜日1 時半から2時半まで (八事学舎の研究室517で)
連絡先 > imigalexander  @  hotmail.com

後期2020の授業 (winter term 2020) > last years lesson (2019)
planned lesson content (English) 授業の内容 (日 本語) taught lessen content (online) 宿題/ homework etc. /その他
1 23/9/2020 E. Meyers new book (G), vocabulary strategies & how to conduct future lessons?  語彙と専門用語 (文化と文化の記述) strategies and birds keywords
2 29/9/2020 E. Meyers book: The culture map, Chap. 5  本と図 (Chap.5), 日本語 (Amazon)   figures (5.1. & 5.2 of the text), f2f part. explain in own words
3 6/10/2020 Decisions, judgement  & Feedback/Evaluation in education & business (e.g. Netflix) 決定、決心、判定、判断、独断、フィードバック、評価 in ビジネス と 教育 the structure of the book > 翻訳者の前書き (as text)   explain 2 criteria from the map
4 13/10/2020 High/low context: Google, Wp (English) 文脈の理解が必要 (ない) overview about categories, low/high c. explain in own words & own sources (this one new) 
5 20/10/2020 lesson & the responsibility of the teacher 高/低文脈の違い (確認)
feedback about difference, ppt not open written feedback about the difference  
6 27/10/2020 2 culture strategies for the Seminar 高文脈の戦略・低文脈の戦略 as planed (ppt): Sem2y-6weekWS written feedback
7 10/11/2020 history of Intercult. Comm., Begin with research   脱亜思想(Wp)又は論 Researching about Culture & history (Semi2y-7weekWS.ppt) Research about what? 
8 17/11/2020 Mind-meister (Research-topics Mind-map =MM), Video about Coll. (yt) マントマップ (Mindmeister) Finding & Evaluating Research topics (with Mindmeister)  学生研究トッピク (Mindmister)を入れる、コメントを書く
9 24/11/2020 talk about research purpose & topics  例: ドイツの教育(Wp) <<<< as planed, no ppt, MM 宿題: Mindmeister確認
10 1/12/2020 talking about (research) topics 名古屋飛ばし (WpJ) , Google (pictures), 日本 テー (WpJ) ppt:  2y10w-MediatingSymbols, language & culture  upload of (any) Report 
11 8/12/2020 2 uploads (+ 1 old)  writing & research: texts creating multimodal texts (Aus.URL), Google (Search) メディア研究 (Wp), 混合記号  what are "mixed signs", using them (and multimodal signs implicit) in a MM upload of (any) Report (only one student) or changing the Mind-map (MM), by including links 
12 15/12/2020 some facts about texts and MM, what to do on yearend? how to edit and expand a text?  社会学評論 (Wpの引用) text edit: e.g. history of Maroc sources about texts, instead students did research about "text"
13 22/12/2020 culture topic(s): christmas as e.g. キリシタン (<WP >), 禁教令, クリスマス Discussion about Christmas & Culture how did you spend Christmas? (5 sentences)
14 12/1/2021 texts to read  (1), christmas (2) & vaccines (Discussion) 文化と日本の思想 (A& WpJだけ) <<<< as planed, ppt, sources about texts (once more) 
15 19/1/2021 texts to read  (2) as fact-checking against conspriacy theories & historical commonplaces (e.g. Berber, Wk.), dazu (NZZ  陰謀論とファクトチェック(事実の検証), US-new (Trump admin) <<<< as planed, ppt = Selecting text2 homework over the spring holidays

前期2020の授業 (summer term 2020) > last years lesson (2019)
planned lesson content (English) 授業の内容 (日 本語) taught lessen content 宿題/ homework etc. /その他
1 12.5.2020 Introducing Seminar via Power Point and (brief) Zoom, Questionnaire to language in class
Vuca-World (various languages)
MaNaBoダウウンロード & Power Point プレゼンテーション 1. Zoom session, Power Point, afterwards talk  upload of Questionnaire
2 19.5.2020 what is a text? > ppt visualisation 
Learnerpages (Language), reading text (Elevator)
議事録 (いつから?)
2. Zoom session, Power point (slightly delayd 21/5/2020), 文=ふみ (30min) 可能性: my Hometown (presentation ca. 10 Minutes)
3 26/5/2020 Presentation: Hometown / Discussion  学生のプレゼンテーション 3. Zoom session
4 2/6/2020 Discussion about presentations, "Bewertungsbogen" 学生のプレゼンテーションについて 4. Zoom session, about TestSrev (2.during lesson) keywords about culture and text
5 9/6/2020 culture & texts: Newspages (what are they watching?)
Mindmap (Mask article), Test MM 
文化と文章の関係 Test MM, 5. Zoom Session : Text keywords (culture & Texts) (no homework, text download possible)
6 16/5/2020 (possible) Language Learning = Language pages (LM), eg. Duolingo 言語の使い方又は言語の勉強について (意見交換) 6. Zoom Session (short ppt & discussion)  lingua text (after discussion)
7 26/6/2020 Lýdia's talk (yt) im Polyglott meeting, language learning & book for seminar (ppt)
Increamental reading (not yet)  
文化と言語: 言語習得の方法 (2): アンキ (Wp), youtube & 映画 7. Zoom session (pair work) linguaInputのアップロード
8 30/6/2020 Polyglote Personen (WpD) Slovak vs Slovenia (日本語) 8. Zoom Session (about Yt-talk) linguaInputRevのアップロード
9 7/7/2020 analysis of the talk: how to learn languages (10 parts) Lydiaのプレゼンテーションの分析 9. Zoom Session multilingua1 (about learning etc.)
10 14/7/2020 summer-holiday reading (short), about homework in class (multilingua2 not used) 前の宿題について (4まで)
10. Zoom Session も一回アップロード
11 21/7/2020 about summer-holiday reading in pairwork
前の宿題について, 夏休みの読解 11. Zoom Session read part 5 of the book.
