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4th year writing (国際英語キァリア演習V)),Thursday 3h, room 444 (English Wing)  

Course Goal: Improving the students skills in academic English and writing a final thesis (4500 words minimum).

Course Outline: This course will help the students to find and reflect on their final exam topic. After finding a working title for the final thesis, we will
(collaborative) improve the written texts and create appealing texts for our readers.

Course procedure:Written drafts will be presented and commented on by other students and by teachers, which leads to gradual improvements of the texts.

Grading 1.  Attendance is required. If you are unable to come, please make an appointment to visit my office another day, and also check the assignments on Manabo, and this homepage.
2. Ea
ch week whatever we do in class will be described on the homepage, and you should complete the assignment within the allotted time period.
3. T
he activities which are done in class each week will be rewarded and reflected in your grade for the semester. 

Please consult the document I handed out in class, about key dates and deliverables this, and next, semester. ­
5. The grading is taking place mainly on basis of the (written) assignments, for the spring term week 13./14. assignment is the major delieverable

Teacher: James D´Angelo (Chukyo-University)

office hour (Jim): Monday 10am to 1pm 
Lesson contents (autum term 2018/2019)
date planned lesson content  taught lesson content
(1.) September 27. text about writing, class participation and grading <<< upload until 1/10/2018
(2) October 4. strategies: expanding, rewriting see observation form uploaded WS3lesson
(3) October 11. Database: WS3lesson & WS3homework  advice on the basis of printed out versions
(4) October 18. Database: WS4lesson & WS4homework >>> WS4homework (only 2 Studs.)
(5) October 25. Database: WS5lesson & WS5homework, Writing Circle (Pres.)   Hopelite (WpE, "Heroes"), page No. Download of Pres (6x)
(6) November 1. Database: WS6lesson & WS6homework Endnotes Presentation Topics
(7) November 8. Database: WS7lesson & WS7homework uploads
(8) November 15. Database: WS8lesson & WS8homework ("upload"file) content edit of one student uploads
(9) November 22. Database: WS9lesson, no Homework data  (spontanous) explanation, about corrections Corrections22-11.
(10) November 29. nearly all texts checked, overall image hwUploads29-11
(11) December 6. schedule of presenters in Januar, formalities for abstracts interactive corrections (overseas travel), "negotiation of meaning" > 交渉
(12) December 13. abstract, last correction ("upload"file) negotation of meaning in (English) abstract uploads13-12
(13) December 20. last day of writing (deadline 12/20), guidelines for presentation uploads20-12
(14) January 10. first round of presentations, Evaluation forms (for Students & teacher/researcher)
(14) January 17. second round of presentations, Evaluation forms (for Students & teacher/researcher)

Lesson contents (spring term 2018)
date planned lesson content  taught lesson content
(1) April 5. topic for the final thesis
(2) April 12. 1. assignment (Guns control) <<<<<<<
(3) April 19.
(4) April 26. commenting about (anonymous) texts, 1. (simple) checklist context explanations ("transits")
May 3. (no lesson)
(5) May 10. Research for Graphs for the topic of the final thesis
(6) May 17. 2. checklist (on the basis of students comments), (self) assessment of skills, grading (?), CEFR-introduction (Japanese?)
(7) May 24. research questions (brainstorming with power point) & (first) outline 
May 31. (no lesson)
(8) June 7. outline    outline & search for references 
(9) June 14. preparation for introduction-writing (in class)  consolidating progress to date, upload in class only 
(10) June 21. preparation for introduction-writing (at home) consolidating progress to date, upload in class and as homework  also (11th) lesson in the 5. hour (make up class)
(12) June 28. preparation for expanding the introduction introduction writing
(13) July 5. Text about writing development (esp. editing) comments on Introduction and hints for further text development
(15) July 12. preparation for writing during the summer break (14th) lesson in the 2. hour (make up class)